
     As I've been going about my best summer break ever I am so very thankful to God. He is the one who has put all of these wonderful opportunities and experiences in my path. It's awesome to know that what God's Word says is true : Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
     I've been practicing on just caring what the Lord thinks and just caring about doing what He wants. I have taken my delight in the Lord, for He is so worth it. He is abounding in love and faithfulness! (see Exodus 34:6)
     What do I get for delighting in the Lord? Let me just list all of the opportunities that have come to me that have been the desires of my heart. God has given me the opportunity of the Alaska mssion trip, student council, student prayer team at church, VBS with my mom, fun summer camps, amazing Christian friends, a chance to see that I'm not one of the only one's striving to please God (I feel my family's the only one sometimes) and friendships with people I can minister to. Those are just some of the opportunities God has given me.
     God has also given me the main desire of my heart: to grow closer to Him this summer. Before all of the summer craziness started I was scared that like last summer I would stop spending time with God and that I would be lazy and stop following Him so closely. This did not happen. God proved Himself to be faithful (of course) and I actually grew closer to God. Hallelujah! I'm so thankful to God.

     As my mom says, "be about the business of loving God and everything will fall into place."
