Pictures from Nicaragua

Team Nicaragua
The Group I Went Out With: AIM

The house I lived in, it looks nice, but looks can be deceiving.

This is bat poop caused by the bats in our attic. We swept almost daily, but still woke up to this.
This is the lake we bathed in.
We could bathe in that lake, or take a shower here.

This is the church we helped out, while church wasn't going on, it served as our  dining hall.
Our Average Meal: red beans, rice, plantains and some kind of protein

Our street that we walked on everyday, to get everywhere we needed to go.

An Average Neighborhood

Samuel: a kid who lived near the church

Kids From the Area

Mi Amigo: Christian who's the pastor's son

 My Best Friend: Najelie

Playing Games at a Kid's Bible Club
Everyone Smile!!
Another Kid's Bible Club
A Bible Club at the Local School
Pato, Pato, Gonzo (aka. Duck, Duck, Goose)
Preforming a Bible Skit about Jonah
We made "whales" for each of the kids.

The Wedding for Norman and Sylvia
The Bride
The Bride and Adorable Baby Norma

The Vows

Saccora, the Elderly Lady We Visited
The Men We Met through Saccora

Nicaragua's National Flower

Beautiful Nicaragua Sunset

"He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, He who turns dawn to darkness and treads the high places of the earth- the Lord God Almighty is His name."
-Amos 4:13

"Be still and know that I am God; 
I will be exalted among the nations, 
I will be exalted in the earth."
-Psalm 46:10


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them! I love the "some kind of protein" comment...epic!

  2. AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience and THANKS for letting God use you in such a powerful way. I am proud to know you Brooke:}

  3. Thank you for sharing your photos and your stories!!!


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