God's beautiful Love

     The word beautiful is the mere essence of God's love. As I've gone about my life, a dreamer, not really belonging to this harsh world full of deceit, slander, murder, hatred and lust I've noticed how indescribable God's love is. So much so that I've decided to try to write about it and spread the news and joy of His love that He has lavished upon you and me.

     The knowledge I have about His love is that it is full, faithful, forgiving, just, and much more. I have found out all this by reading His Word the Bible. Particularly the prophecy books reveal much about God's love more so than the other books of the Bible (excluding the gospel because that is where God's love took human form). Never the less, knowledge of God's love doesn't make the dreamer in me cry and sob like the hope of God's love does.
     What I mean by the hope of God's love is the satisfying qualities of it. I mean the emotional qualities of God's love, that feeling you get (I don't like to define God's love with the word feeling, but there is no other word I can think of to describe it) when that big hole inside you, that has been left empty because of sin, is finally completely filled up and you can have peace. Then that peace results in a hope you have never had.
That is the hope I've had by listening to Martyr's Song by Tod Agnew.

     This song reduces me to tears every time I listen to it, even when I'm sad or have been running from God, for it brings me back to Him. In this song Tod Agnew portrays the fact that Jesus has been waiting for us to be finally home (home to heaven). That is one of the things that this hope is about: through God's love we have been given the hope of heaven, our eternal resting place. I do not mean to sound cliche when I say that heaven is our eternal resting place, for it is completely heart warming when you look at that statement in a new way.
    In heaven we will be free of the want and temptation to sin. We will be away from sin around us that makes us feel swallowed up, for in heaven we will be finally home. Here in our current state we are not home in the truest sense of the word. We are aliens and pilgrims, we do not belong here. God did not create us with this standard of living in mind. He created us to live with Him. Fully in relationship with Him, walking and talking with Him.
     God created us to experience His indescribable love, and in heaven we will be able to finally experience it like He wanted us to from the beginning. Until then, God waits and stands by our side. He comforts us, He provides for us, He helps us tell others about Him and He also steadies us through the trial of living in a place where we do not belong. 
     God reminds us everyday how much He cares and has cared for us through His nature (one of the reasons I love His creation so). In the Bible Jesus (God in flesh) said:
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.... So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." (Matthew 6:28, 31-32)
Look at the care God took to these flowers. They are just here for our enjoyment, but yet God took such care.


     It's beautiful, lovely and amazing all in one to think that the God who takes care of these flowers takes care of me. He loves me even more than He does these flowers! It's awesome.
I hope that I have been able to portray God's love so that you can be inspired and encouraged just as I have.
